* IGN: x-mahdi-x
* real name: mahdi
* From: tunisia
* speak: English,French,Arabic
* Link(Profile):
* Rank: CPT2 @ 20%
* KD/HS ratio: 1.23/16%
* Favourite weapons: G36e,Ak-47,M4A1,UMP.
* Favourite modes: SnD, QR , ELI pro
* i play(hours): 6+
* do you, have TS and headset: YEs/Yes/YES
* acc's: no aCC banned this my first
* clan's: Virtue, i!~Coll3ct!on~!i , QUick.ReaCtion
* why leave: Virtue=inactive --->COllection=insult ----> Quick.reaCtion=terminated